
Vue Url State Sync (vuss)

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A Vue plugin to sync router queries and hash with state.

This plugin requires that your project use Vue Router in history mode

Check out the demo


Allow users to deep link (bookmark) to state outside of normal routing such as:


yarn add -D vue-url-state-sync
# or
npm i -D vue-url-state-sync
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import VueUrlStateSync from 'vue-url-state-sync';


const router = new Router({
  mode: 'history', // must be in history mode for hashes to work!
  routes: [...]

const app = new Vue({


Basic sync

  <input v-model="term" type="text" placeholder="Search term" />

  export default {
    name: 'Users',

    data() {
      return {
        showModal: false,
        searchTerm: 'foobar'

    beforeMount() {

       * Resulting URL
       * ?search_term=foobar#show-modal

Vuex mapState

import { mapState } = 'vuex';

export default {
  name: 'Users',

  computed: {
    ...mapState('users', ['showModal'])

  beforeMount() {
    // define a callback for when the hash changes
    this.$vuss.h.sync('showModal', 'showAddUserModal', (newVal) => {
      this.$store.commit('users/setShowModal', newVal);

Vuex computed with setter

export default {
  name: 'Users',

  computed: {
    showModal: {
      get() {
        return this.$store.state.users.showModal;

      set(newVal) {
        this.$store.commit('users/setShowModal', newVal);

  beforeMount() {
    this.$vuss.h.sync('showModal', 'showAddUserModal');

Nested State

export default {
  name: 'Users',

  data() {
    return {
      list: {
        filters: {
          animal: 'dog',
          color: 'red',
          gender: 'male'

  beforeMount() {
     * Resulting URL
     * ?list_filters=%7B"animal"%3A"dog","color"%3A"red","gender"%3A"male"%7D

    this.$vuss.q.sync('list.filters', 'filters');
     * Resulting URL
     * ?filters=%7B"animal"%3A"dog","color"%3A"red","gender"%3A"male"%7D

Hashes vs Queries


Hashes is intended to be used for simple boolean state, such as whether or not to show a modal. It is always converted to kebab-case.

export default {
  // data
  data() {
    return {
      modal: true

  // sync
  beforeMount() {
    // you can define both the state key and the hash value if you wish
    this.$vuss.h.sync('modal', 'showModal');

    // optional - define a callback for when the hash changes
    this.$vuss.h.sync('modal', 'showModal', newVal => {
      this.modal = newVal;

// result


Queries is intended for data such as search terms, filters, current tab, etc. It is stringified on write, and parsed on read. Keys are always converted to snake_case.

export default {
  // data
  data() {
    return {
      filters: {
        animal: 'dog',
        color: 'red',
        gender: 'male'

  // sync
  beforeMount() {
    // you can define both the state key and the query key if you wish
    this.$vuss.q.sync('filters', 'f');

    // optional - define a callback for when the query changes
    this.$vuss.h.sync('filters', 'f', newVal => {
      this.filters = { ...newVal };

// result

Global Mixins

Two global mixins are installed by this plugin - one for syncing hash and one for syncing query queries.



Provides hash

vm.$hash = 'show-modal'


Provides query

  term: 'foobar'



Clears hash

vm.$vuss.h.set(hash, replaceHistory)

Sets hash

vm.$vuss.h.sync(state, hash, onHashChange)

Syncs the hash with specific component state.

When first called, it will sync the current hash to the state OR state to hash, in that order. It then sets up two watchers – one for hash changes and one for state changes.


Clears query


Provides if query key exists


Updates query query object.


Removes query value by key

vm.$vuss.q.set(key, value, replaceHistory)

Sets query value by key

vm.$vuss.q.sync(state, key, onQueryChange)

Syncs a query key with specific component state.

When first called, it will sync the current query to the state OR state to query, in that order. It then sets up two watchers – one for query changes and one for state changes.


yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build

How to Contribute

Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for each feature or improvement
  3. Send a pull request from each feature branch to the develop branch
